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Requesting intervention on behalf of a young person

If you believe that a young person’s rights are being violated, you can request intervention.

What does violation of rights mean?

When the adults who are responsible for young people who need protection fail to respect the young people’s rights, this is called a violation. Young people need protection if their security or development is in danger.

Learn more about violation of the rights of young people

  • Can the Commission help me ?


    If you believe that the rights of a young person have not been respected by:

    • a Director of Youth Protection when a young person’s situation has been reported
    • a CISSS or CIUSSS that provides services to a young person under the care of the DYP
    • a foster family with whom a young person has been placed
    • an institution, organization or person that is required to apply the Youth Protection Act (rehabilitation centres, CLSCs, police, IDRC, etc.)
    • an institution or person responsible for the care of a young person who has been convicted of an offence under the Youth Criminal Justice Act
    If a young person is experiencing discrimination or harassment, this falls under the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. This means that you can file a complaint of discrimination or harassment with the Commission.

    Examples of situations where a request for investigation is appropriate

    • The DYP did not inform the parents when moving their child out of a foster home or rehabilitation centre.
      Violation of: the right to be informed and consulted.
    • The arresting officer failed to tell a teenager about her right to retain and instruct counsel.
      Violation of: the right to a lawyer.
    • The DYP does not allow a parent to object to the extension of an immediate protection measure, or does not inform the parent that they have this right.
      Violation of: the right to object and contest.
    • A child cannot access the psychological services described in his intervention plan or a court order.
      Violation of: the right to appropriate services.
    • A young person is not allowed to be accompanied by the person of his choice when he meets with the DYP.
      Violation of: the right to be accompanied.
    • A child is prevented from communicating confidentially with her siblings.
      Violation of: the right to communicate.
    • A young person receives discipline that is inconsistent with his institution’s internal rules.
      Violation of: the right to know the rules during placement.
    • A child is prevented from expressing her needs and wishes for her intervention plan.
      Violation of: the right to be heard.


    • If the young person is being abused or neglected, or has serious behavioural problems.

    You should report these situations to the Director of Youth Protection (DYP) instead.

    What does reporting mean?

    Reporting means contacting the DYP when a child (meaning anyone younger than age 18) is being abused or is in danger

    Learn more
  • Request investigation

    Who can request an investigation?

    • Any young person whose rights are not being respected
    • Any person (parent, guardian, relative, friend, youth worker, other professional) who believes that the rights of a young person are not being respected
    • A lawyer, on behalf of a young person

    The Commission will not reveal the identity of the person who requests an investigation. This means that neither the DYP, the young person in question or the parents will know that you requested investigation.

    When should I request an investigation?

    You may request an investigation at any time after the fact. There is no deadline (also known as a limitation period) for asking the Commission to intervene.

    Remember though, that institutional and court records are sometimes destroyed after a certain time. In general, we advise you to file your complaint as soon as possible.

    What information should I provide?

    You must explain what happened in detail. You will need to provide:

    • the name and contact information of the young person
    • a description of all the facts, actions, words and other related information
    • all important dates
    • the name and contact information of any witnesses
    • a mention of any other steps you have taken (for example, filing a complaint with the users’ committee, the local complaints commissioner, the Ombudsman, the Youth Division, etc.)
    • what solutions you seek

    We can help you prepare your request for investigation. Call us at 1 800 361‑6477.

    All information you provide to the Commission is confidential.

    Submit your request for investigation request

  • How do we process your request ?

    The request for investigation process

    Here is a guide to the different stages of the investigation process.


    Staff members of the Commission explain the request for investigation process.

    Processing times

    We will make every effort to process your request for investigation within 6 months.

Examples of youth protection

Learn about our involvement to protect young people’s rights in various situations.

  • Child removed from foster home
  • Young person denied outings
  • Supervision of contact between a mother and her child

See more

See our Investigations findings