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May 6, 2020News Release

Good news for children and young people in youth protection

​​The Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse warmly welcomes the Government's decision and the issuing of a new decree on youth protection services which reauthorises face-to-face contact when health conditions permit and the obligation to find an alternative when this is impossible.​

Montréal, May 6 2020 –The Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse warmly welcomes the Government's decision and the issuing of a new decree on youth protection services which reauthorises face-to-face contact when health conditions permit and the obligation to find an alternative when this is impossible.

News release (in French only)

For more information:
Lettre à la ministre de la Santé et des Services sociaux et au ministre délégué à la Santé et aux Services sociaux sur l'application par les DPJ du décret 2020-006 sur les contacts physiques de l'enfant (French only)