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February 27, 2015Letters and speeches

Support for the National Roundtable on Violence Against Aboriginal Women and Girls Ottawa

The Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse – as member of the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agency (CASHRA) – offers its support to participants at the National Roundtable on Violence Against Aboriginal Women and Girls being held today in Ottawa. The Roundtable, an initiative of the provinces and five national Aboriginal organizations, will also include family members of missing or murdered Aboriginal members. Its aim is to coordinate actions to prevent violence against Aboriginal women, improve their living conditions and counter discrimination they encounter. CAHSRA is deeply concerned with this issue and supports Aboriginal organizations who have been calling for a commission of inquiry to shed light on the circumstances surrounding murdered or missing Aboriginal women.See Open Letter (PDF, 42 Ko) 

Ottawa, February 27, 2015 – The Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse – as member of the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agency (CASHRA) – offers its support to participants at the National Roundtable on Violence Against Aboriginal Women and Girls being held today in Ottawa.The Roundtable, an initiative of the provinces and five national Aboriginal organizations, will also include family members of missing or murdered Aboriginal members. Its aim is to coordinate actions to prevent violence against Aboriginal women, improve their living conditions and counter discrimination they encounter. CAHSRA is deeply concerned with this issue and supports Aboriginal organizations who have been calling for a commission of inquiry to shed light on the circumstances surrounding murdered or missing Aboriginal women.

See Open Letter (PDF, 42 Ko) This link will redirect you to an external Website.