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February 26, 2019News Release

The Commission recommends not to adopt two sections of the bill on the regulation of cannabis

​​The Commission recommends that two sections of the bill not be adopted because of their possible impacts on the right to equality, the right to privacy, and protection from unreasonable searches or seizures.​

Montréal, February 26, 2019 – The Commission submitted its comments to the government on the projet de loi n°2, Loi resserrant l’encadrement du cannabis (bill to strengthen the control of cannabis).It's analysis focuses mainly on sections 4 and 7 of the bill and takes into account the impact they may have on the rights protected by the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. Section 4 concerns the tightening of the rules applicable to the possession of cannabis on the grounds, premises or buildings of a college or a university. Section 7 deals with the extent of bans on cannabis smoking in public places. The Commission recommends that these two sections not be adopted because of their possible impacts on the right to equality, the right to privacy, and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Comments on the projet de loi n°2, Loi resserrant l’encadrement du cannabis (French only)

Related link:
Lettre au président de la Commission de la santé et des services sociaux : Commentaires de la Commission sur le projet de loi no157 encadrant le cannabis 

For more information:
Meissoon Azzaria
514 873-5146 ou 1 800 361-6477, ext. 210

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