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May 26, 2017News Release

Vulnerable seniors: The Commission recalls that discrimination is prohibited in access to housing

​​In response to concerns about vulnerable senior tenants, the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse today recalled that an owner cannot discriminate against a tenant because of his age. ​

Montréal, May 26, 2017– In response to concerns about vulnerable senior tenants, the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse today recalled that an owner cannot discriminate against a tenant because of his age. The Commission had already raised concerns while studying Bill 492, which protects the rights of senior tenants. Adopted by the National Assembly a year ago, it limits the possibility for an owner to oust or take over the housing of a person aged 70 or over who has been living in his home for at least ten years and whose financial situation is precarious.

News release (in French only)