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Hiring and pre-hiring process

Discrimination in job interviews and in employment applications is prohibited, but it is still widespread in Québec. The Commission, which receives complaints on this subject every year, has published legal opinions concerning the principles all employers are subject to when hiring. It has also developed tools for employers and job seekers to help them better understand their rights and obligations. 

English language translations are provided when available.

2022 | La Commission lance la campagne L'auto-identification pour l'accès à l'égalité en emploi pour mieux faire comprendre l'utilité et les bénéfices de l'auto-identification pour assurer une représentation équitable en emploi des femmes, des personnes handicapées, des personnes autochtones, des minorités visibles et des minorités ethniques.

2019 | The Commission launches the information campaign Recruter sans discriminer on different platforms (online, radio and theatres). The humorous videos, as well as the testimonials and legal explanations raise awareness of employers and jobseekers on their rights and obligations. Workbooks on different themes related to discrimination in hiring have also been published for employers. 

2016  |  The Commission updates its legal opinion on section 18.1 of the Québec Charter of Rights and Freedoms concerning hiring interviews and pre-employment exams and medical forms, following a ruling by the Human Rights Tribunal.

2011  |  The Commission issues a reminder regarding compliance with section 18.1 of the Québec Charter of Rights and Freedoms relative to discriminatory pre-hiring forms and exams.

1998  |  The Commission releases an opinion on employment medical tests.

  • Avis (In french only)

1998  |  The Commission releases an opinion on employment psychological and psychometric tests.

  • Avis (In french only)

1992  |  The Commission releases an opinion on the obligation to provide a photograph in connection with a job application.

  • Avis (In french only)

Did you know ?

The Commission received 61 complaints of discrimination based on hiring practices in 2020-2021, which represents 21% of all complaints in the area of employment.

This video explains hiring and pre-hiring practices in American Sign Language (ASL)