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Migrant workers

Since 2005, the Commission has addressed the plight of live-in caregivers and migrant farm workers in Québec.The Commission also works, since 2008, with the Comité interministériel permanent sur la protection des travailleurs étrangers temporaires peu specialisés and, since 2019, with the Table de concertation des travailleurs étrangers temporaires, chaired by AGRIcarrières.

English language translations are provided when available.

2021 | The Commission reacts to Bill 59, Loi modernisant le régime de santé et de sécurité du travail, which attempts, for a third time, to extend occupational health and safety coverage to domestic workers. In the Commission's view, this bill instead perpetuates the discrimination associated with this type of work performed primarily by women. Rather than including these workers in the regime, it creates a condition of having worked a certain number of hours to do so, whereas this condition is not imposed on any other worker.

2018  |   In it’s Brief on Bill 176, the Commission welcomes that the proposed amendments would, for the first time, allow to look at the causes of termination of employment of temporary foreign workers before the end of their contract and repatriation. However, it makes recommendations to improve the proposed mechanism to do so.

2016  |   In its comments on Bill no77, the Québec Immigration Act regarding the participation of immigrants and ethnocultural minorities, the Commission recommends particularly that an independent organization review unilateral decisions taken by employers of temporary foreign workers regarding their unilateral repatriation.

2014  |  La Commission est d'avis que le projet de loi n°8, Loi modifiant le Code du travail à l’égard de certains salariés d’exploitations agricoles, compromet la reconnaissance et l’exercice, en pleine égalité, de la liberté d’association des travailleuses et travailleurs agricoles ainsi que le droit à la sauvegarde de leur dignité et contrevient aux dispositions de la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne.

2012  |   The Commission concludes that live-in caregivers, migrant farm workers and other low-skilled temporary foreign workers are victims of systemic discrimination based on ethnic or national origin, race, social condition, language and, in the case of live-in caregivers, sex.

2012 |   La Commission recommande entre autres à la Commission de l'économie et du travail de l'Assemblée nationale que le terme "domestique" soit remplacé par l'expression "travailleuse ou travailleur domestique".

  • Mémoire (In french only) (PDF, 534 Ko)

2011 | The Commission produced a video for Spanish-speaking migrant workers hired for a temporary period to work on Québec farms. The video, "Trabajar en Quebec" (Working in Québec), was produced in partnership with the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) and the Commission des normes du travail (CNT) [CNESST]. It informs workers that they have the same rights and responsibilities as any other worker in Québec.

2010  |   La Commission publie un avis sur l’applicabilité de la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne aux travailleurs migrants.

  • Avis (In french only) (PDF, 213 Ko)

2010  |  La Commission recommande à la ministre du Travail de modifier significativement le projet de loi 110 afin de mieux protéger les travailleuses domestiques.

2008  |   La Commission plaide en faveur d’une meilleure protection des domestiques et des gardiennes et se penche sur la conformité de l'exclusion du domestique et du gardien de la protection automatique de la Loi sur les accidents de travail et les maladies professionnelles à la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne.

  • Avis (In french only) (PDF, 496 Ko)

Did you know ?

Each year, Québec accepts several thousand low-skilled migrant workers from Guatemala, Mexico and the Caribbean, mainly hired to work in the agricultural sector. In addition, many live-in caregivers, mostly from the Philippines, are hired by Québec families to work as child care or domestic workers.

To learn more...

See our information pages on the grounds of discrimination: