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Youth protection

Children are people, and they have a right to be heard. For over 30 years, the Commission has worked to protect and promote the rights of all young people in Québec, and especially the rights of the most vulnerable young people, like children in the care of youth protection services (DYP). The Commission can intervene on our own initiative for a child or group of children under the care of the DYP if we have reason to believe that their rights are not being respected. We conduct both individual and systemic investigations, and we have special authority to take a matter to court if doing so is in the best interests of the child. 

See our leaflet on our child and youth protection work (French only)

2024 | Les 19 et 20 mars, la Commission plaide devant la Cour suprême du Canada la cause relative à la compétence de la Chambre de la jeunesse pour laquelle elle avait déposé une demande en 2023, afin que des ordonnances systémiques puissent être émises pour corriger et prévenir des atteintes aux droits des enfants dont la situations est prise en charge par la Direction de la protection de la jeunesse.
Communiqué sur la demande à la Cour suprême du Canada de 2023
Vidéo de présentation du plaidoyer de 2024 (sur notre chaîne YouTube)

2024 | La Commission ouvre une enquête systémique de sa propre initiative sur l’impact des délais d’attente à l’évaluation et à l’application des mesures dans les dossiers d’enfants dont la situation est prise en charge par la Direction de la protection de la jeunesse (DPJ).
Communiqué sur l'enquête systémique

2024 | La Commission salue la création d'un commissaire au bien-être et aux droits des enfants.
Communiqué sur la création d'un commissaire

2023 | La Commission dépose une demande à la Cour suprême du Canada afin que des ordonnances systémiques, de portée générale, puissent être émises pour corriger et prévenir des atteintes aux droits des enfants dont la situation a été prise en charge par la Direction de la protection de la jeunesse.
Communiqué sur la demande à la Cour suprême du Canada

2022 | La Commission fait une analyse détaillée du projet de loi 15 sur la réforme de la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse. Elle considère qu'il constitue un pas dans la bonne direction pour parvenir ultimement à une véritable reconnaissance des droits de l’enfant et à la prise en considération de son intérêt.

2021 |  Investigation concerning Inuit children in the rehabilitation centers of the CIUSSS de l'Ouest-de-l'Île de Montréal and the Ungava Tulattavik Health Centre. This investigation by the Commission concludes that young Inuit from Nunavik living in a rehabilitation center in the Montréal area have been denied their right to cultural preservation and cultural life, as well as their right to education.

2020 | The Special Commission on the Rights of the Child and Youth Protection (the Laurent Commission). The Commission sent three major messages to the government and to all those involved with children’s rights. We also issued 30 recommendations and took on four commitments in our memorandum on recurrent and systemic youth protection issues in Québec.

2020 | My rights under the DYP campaign launch. The Commission started this campaign to provide information for 12- to 17-year-olds whose situation has been reported to the DYP, and to help them to learn more about their rights. Actor Antoine Pilon and artist Samian contributed to audio and video clips for radio, television, the internet and social media.

2020 | Report on application of the Youth Protection Act. The Commission analyzed Québec’s health services and social services reform from the perspective of children’s rights and found that the reform did not achieve its objectives, particularly that of promoting and simplifying access to services.

2019 | Investigation into foster care in Mauricie. The Commission analyzed more than 150 foster records in Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec and identified serious shortcomings . We issued 64 recommendations to better protect foster children’s human rights, physical integrity and psychological integrity.

2019 | Follow-up to investigation into youth protection services in Nunavik. The Commission addressed concerns to the government about the youth protection services available to children in Nunavik. In 2010, the Commission published a progress report on the recommendations we had made as part of our 2007 investigation into youth protection services in Nunavik. In this progress report, the Commission found that all regional bodies had made significant efforts, but that the situation remained precarious and urgent.

2018 | The Commission sent a warning to the entire Québec school system, including the ministry of education, which we urged to demonstrate stronger leadership, when we unveiled our systemic study into the situation of students with special needs from 2001 to 2016. The study provided a detailed analysis of how educational services for students with special needs are organized at the preschool, elementary and secondary levels.

2017 | Study into the use of isolation and restraint in the context of the CISSS and CIUSSS youth rehabilitation missions. The Commission analyzed data from some 20 institutions across Québec. We found that improvement was needed to promote respect for the rights of young people, and so we issued 12 recommendations to institutions and government.