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Closed for Fête nationale and Canada Day

Our offices will be closed on Monday, June 24 and Monday, July 1st. You can use our online complaint form at any time.

The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.

Our action

Our services are free of charge for everyone in Québec.
  • Defending your rights

    We take your complaints or investigation requests

    We take complaints from any person or group who believes they have experienced:

    • discrimination or harassment on the basis of any prohibited grounds under the Charter, where the situation prevents them from being in a Charter-protected area
    • discrimination in employment on the basis of a previous conviction
    • reprisals for filing a complaint or participating in a Commission investigation
    • exploitation of elderly people or people with a disability
    • violation of rights (as set out in the Youth Protection Act or the Youth Criminal Justice Act) for young people under the care of the Director of Youth Protection (DYP)

    The Commission does not handle reports of children being abused or neglected, or of children with serious behavioural problems. You should report these situations to the DYP instead.

    How do I file a complaint or request an investigation from the Commission? 

    Please visit the page that best describes your situation: 

    How does the Commission process complaints and requests for investigation?

    We protect the rights of young people under the care of the DYP

    The Commission’s role is to oversee and promote the rights of young people. We can intervene if the rights of a child or a group of children under the care of the DYP or child protection services are not being respected.

    This could include:

    We investigate

    The Commission can carry out an investigation in response to a complaint or a request for investigation. We may also inquire into a matter on our own initiative.

    Our investigation may look into:

    • discrimination on the basis of a prohibited ground under the Charter
    • harassment on the basis of a prohibited ground under the Charter
    • exploitation of an elderly person or a person with a disability
    • reprisals
    • violation of the rights of a young person under the care of the DYP

    The investigation is used to determine whether discrimination, harassment, exploitation, reprisals or violation of rights can be proven.

    If the investigation reveals that there is sufficient evidence, then the Commission may act on behalf of the complainant by:

    In some cases, the Commission may decide not to act on behalf of the victim, even if there is sufficient evidence.

    Human rights investigations

    Youth protection investigations

    We help settle conflicts through mediation

    Mediation may be proposed at any point in the human rights complaint process, and is a quick and effective way to resolve a dispute outside of court. 

    An impartial mediator helps the victim and respondent to come to a fair and lasting agreement. This usually takes about three months.


    We represent you in court

    The Commission may decide to represent a victim in court if our investigation has revealed sufficient evidence of discrimination, harassment, exploitation, reprisals or violation of a child’s rights.

    We do this to assist the victim and because it is in the public interest. Court rulings clarify everyone’s rights and obligations, and individual rulings can help people in similar situations to understand their legal rights and obligations. They can also guide the court for similar cases in the future. 

    Our legal intervention helps to:

    • Put an end to the discrimination, harassment or exploitation
      • For example, by putting an end to the discriminatory harassment
    • Remedy the consequences for the victim
      • For example, by awarding material, moral or punitive damages for the victim, in the form of financial compensation
      • For example, by recommending that a letter of apology be sent to the victim
      • For example, by reinstating the victim into their job in the case of an unjust dismissal
    • Prevent it from happening again
      • For example, by recommending racial profiling training

    In some cases, the Commission may decide not to represent the victim in court, even if our investigation has revealed discrimination or exploitation of an elderly person or a person with a disability.

    Court representation

    Exemples de jugements (French only)

  • Promoting rights

    Our employment equity services

    Our Advisory service on reasonable accommodation

    The Commission provides free and confidential advisory service on reasonable accommodation to managers, business owners, human resource employees and union representatives. Contact us for help understanding your legal obligation to accommodate, handling a reasonable accommodation request, or finding solutions.

    Learn more

    Our support for equal access employment programs

    We support organizations and companies that want or need to establish an equal access employment program.

    Learn more (French only)

    Our training services and tools

    The Commission offers free training sessions and other tools to raise awareness and educate people about human rights.

    Training     Tools for employers

    Our cooperation activities

    We cooperate in a number of ways, by supporting our partner organizations, participating in working groups and encouraging research and publications on fundamental rights and freedoms.

    Learn more

  • Taking a position

    Our recommendations to the government and the National Assembly

    The Commission analyzes proposed legislation to make sure that all Québec laws comply with the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. Based on this analysis, we make recommendations to the government before the legislation is passed.

    To read our recommendations to the government, see:

    Our research department also regularly produces opinions, studies and briefs that contain recommendations and public statements. See:

    In addition to analyzing legislation and government programs, we also advise government ministries and civil society.

  • Recognizing humain rights defenders

    The Rights and Freedoms Award

    Since 1988, the Commission has awarded the Rights and Freedoms Award each year to an organization or an individual as a public recognition for exceptional achievement or commitment to the defence of human rights and freedoms.

    Learn more about the Rights and Freedoms Award

    40 human rights defenders for 40 years of the Charter

    As part of the 40th anniversary of the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, the Commission paid tribute to 40 individuals who defend and promote rights and freedoms in Québec.

    Meet the 40 human rights defenders (French only)

Our human rights advocacy over the years

Here are some of the major human rights advocacy efforts the Commission has undertaken since its creation.

Our human rights advocacy