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Closed for Fête nationale and Canada Day

Our offices will be closed on Monday, June 24 and Monday, July 1st. You can use our online complaint form at any time.

The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.

Quality of service

Are you dissatisfied with the services you received from the Commission?

Download and fill in the following form or contact us:

Dissatisfaction policy

In handling dissatisfaction with our services, the Commission is committed to:

  • Active listening: Providing quality service at all times by encouraging people to express their needs in a way that works for them; being attentive to people’s expression of dissatisfaction; not creating false expectations.
  • Consistency: Maintaining a high level of consistency between our words and our actions; handling dissatisfaction and feedback in a consistent manner.
  • Shared responsibility: Dissatisfaction is an opportunity for improvement, so responding to dissatisfaction is a shared responsibility at every level of our organization. Employees must respond to dissatisfaction with our services and work together to find a fair and acceptable solution.
  • Diligence: Responding to all dissatisfaction within 30 days or within a period of time that is reasonable considering the complexity of the case.