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Training session | Racism : Understand it, fight it

Length: 6 hours. A virtual version of this training is also available (4 hours). Certain terms and conditions must be discussed beforehand.

This training session has two complementary parts: UNDERSTANDING and TAKING ACTION.

  1. UNDERSTANDING. The first part aims to analyze racism and its origins through examination of racism as a social and historical construct, and through exploration of its present-day repercussions on the lives of racialized individuals and groups. 

    Participants will learn about the spectrum of ways in which racism is expressed, from microaggressions to hate crimes, and will explore the associated rights that are protected under the Charter and other laws. The five prohibited grounds of discrimination that intersect with racism will also be covered, and participants will study how these grounds can intersect. Different forms of discrimination (direct, indirect, systemic, harassment, profiling, etc.) are explained using concrete examples. Mini-workshops and group exercises help participants to absorb the legal concepts presented in this first component.
  2. TAKING ACTION. During the second component, which is focused on taking action, participants will look at various ways of combatting racism and its manifestations in our institutions, such as discrimination remedies, workplace anti-harassment policies, school anti-bullying policies, equal access employment programs, reasonable accommodation and more. 

    A group discussion aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of these measures and motivating participants to take action to support victims of racism will be followed by a workshop on finding collective ways to prevent and end racism in their organization or sector. Finally, there will be a brief presentation of the Commission’s positions in the aim of enabling decision-makers and other parties to be even more effective in preventing systemic racism and systemic discrimination.

  • Objectives

    After completing this workshop, participants will be able to:

    • recognize different manifestations of racism and place them on a spectrum
    • identify the five grounds of discrimination that intersect with racism, and the Charter rights that can be violated by manifestations of racism
    • understand the recourses available under the Charter 
    • identify avenues for action to prevent and fight racism in their environment

  • Educational approach

    In this hands-on workshop, the subject matter is explored through an interactive presentation and a combination of dialogue, role-play scenarios, exercises, historical examples and discussion of best practices.

    We will assess your organization’s specific needs and customize the content and delivery of this training session accordingly.

All our training sessions are free of charge, and take place in the venue of your choice

Before requesting a session, be sure to: 

  • Form a group of 15 or more people who are part of the target audience for the session. 
  • Allow a minimum of six weeks for the session to be organized.

Request a training session