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Closed for Fête nationale and Canada Day

Our offices will be closed on Monday, June 24 and Monday, July 1st. You can use our online complaint form at any time.

The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.

Your rights and COVID-19

Here is some information on your rights in the context of the crisis related to COVID-19. Please note that most of the content of this section is only available in French for the moment.

For more information on the situation in Québec and the measures taken by the government, visit:

For more information on our services in the current context, see: Temporary modifications to our services.

  • Statements, letters and news releases

    Statements, letters and news releases

    Find all the communications issued by the Commission since the beginning of the crisis related to COVID-19.

    Learn more 

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Human rights and COVID-19

    To find information on how to enforce your rights guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms at work, in housing or in stores, transportation and public places.

    FAQ | Droits de la personne (French only)

    Youth protection and COVID-19

    For children, parents and professionals who work in the field of youth protection and have questions about the enforcement of the Youth Protection Act.

    FAQ | Protection de la jeunesse (French only)

    Les élèves HDAA et la COVID-19

    Pour les parents d'enfants handicapés ou en difficulté d’adaptation ou d’apprentissage (HDAA) qui se posent des questions sur les obligations des établissements scolaires relatives au bilan du plan d'intervention et à la décision de classement.

    FAQ | Élèves HDAA (French only)

    Obligations des camps de jour envers les enfants en situation de handicap

    Voici des éléments de réponse à des interrogations que peuvent avoir les organismes de loisir en lien avec l’intégration des enfants en situation de handicap dans les camps de jour en contexte de pandémie.

    FAQ | Camps de jour (French only)

  • Podcast


    What are the impacts of the exceptional measures put in place by the government on our rights and freedoms? Among other things, on our freedom of movement, our right to privacy, our right to access to health care or our right to equality? How do we understand and enforce our rights at this time? We try to answer these questions in the Mes droits et la COVID-19 podcast.

    Listen to our podcast (on Soundcloud) (French only)