Service providers (schools, daycares, businesses)

Everyone has the right to services and access, without discrimination or harassment, in:
- businesses
- public services
- public transportation services
- public places
This right is guaranteed by the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.
Who is considered a service provider?
- schools
- businesses
- children’s camps
- campgrounds and RV parks
Prevent discrimination and harassment when you provide services
You are responsible for your employees’ actions toward your customers. This means that a complaint can be filed against you if discrimination or harassment takes place.
Ways to prevent discrimination and harassment when you provide services include:
Making sure that all employees who interact with customers uphold the customers’ right to equality
The Commission offers free training and other tools to help you educate and train your employees about the right to equality and their obligations.
Learn more about training (French only)
Accommodate when it’s reasonable
As part of guaranteeing equal access to your services, you may receive a reasonable accommodation request. Treating all your customers alike is not always the same thing as treating all your customers fairly. There are situations where service providers will have to actively look for solutions that allow customers or service users to fully exercise their rights.
Common examples of reasonable accommodation:
- Providing additional learning tools for students with a learning disability or behavioural disorder
- Changing a cafeteria menu to reflect the dietary restrictions of certain patients
- Adapting services to reflect patients’ needs
What should I do if someone files a complaint against me?
A person can file a complaint against you if you refuse to provide them services because of their personal characteristics. For example:
- You deny someone entry because they have a guide or service dog with them
- You refuse to accommodate someone
If the Commission accepts your tenant’sthe complaint filed against you complaint and decides to investigate, we will contact you to let you know.
Learn more about how you must cooperate with our investigation:
A complaint has been filed against me
Learn more
The Commission offers free training to help you understand and meet your obligations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the most common questions that we receive about service providers’ obligations.