
Discrimination occurs when an individual or a group of individuals is treated differently on account of personal characteristics. Discrimination may occur through distinction, exclusion or preference. It can be practiced by an individual or by an organization.

There are several forms of discrimination: direct, indirect, and systemic. All forms of discrimination are prohibited under the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, and, therefore, prohibited in Québec.

For example: you cannot be refused access to a business because you are accompanied by a service dog or not be hired because you use a wheelchair.

The following personal characteristics are forbidden grounds of discrimination pursuant to the Charter:

Watch our video clips on each of these ground or discrimination for more information.

Discrimination is prohibited by the Charter in the following areas:

Watch our video clips on each of these areas for more information.

Contact us if you think you are a victim of discrimination or to learn more about discrimination: TTY: 514 873-2648
E-mail: accueil@cdpdj.qc.ca