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September 3, 2019News Release

$9,500 for insulting and threatening a health care worker on the basis of his or her ethnic origin

The Human Rights Tribunal has sentenced a patient to $9,500 in moral and punitive damages for making discriminatory comments against a health worker, a case brought by the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse.

Montréal, September 3 2019 – The Human Rights Tribunal has sentenced a patient to $9,500 in moral and punitive damages for making discriminatory comments against a health worker, a case brought by the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse.

According to the facts reported in the judgment, the complainant, of Arab origin, worked as an auxiliary nurse in a hospital in the Montréal area. During an exchange with a patient, the patient aggressively asks him to leave, then tells him to go back home and calls him an "Arabic squeak". The hospital coordinator had to intervene, but the patient refused to apologize and asked to be served by other employees who are not of Arab origin.

News release (in French only)
Jugment (in French only)