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March 31, 2021News Release

The STM and the Théâtre Jean Duceppe received the Rights and Freedoms Award for Equality in Employment

The Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse today presented the Rights and Freedoms Award in an online ceremony to two leaders of diversity and equality in employment.

In the first category, concerning public bodies applying the Act Respecting Equal Access to Employment, the award was presented to the Société de transport de Montréal (STM), whose application of the Act won over the jury with its inclusive and participatory approach. In the second category, which includes any other public organization or private company that has implemented measures to promote equality in employment, the award was presented to the Jean Duceppe theater company.

To learn more about the recipients and the finalists, check out the Rights and Freedoms Award page.
Read the news release (French only)